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7 Top Tips For Washing Your Car in Winter

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

  It’s that time of year again – as summer becomes a distant memory, get ready for wet and stormy conditions, frosty mornings and cooler temperatures. As well as swapping our summer t-shirts for snuggly jumpers, winter means taking care of your car in a different way, too. Freezing conditions, snow and rock salt on the roads bring their own challenges; salt melts into slush and gets splattered onto your vehicle’s paintwork and, if that mixture refreezes, there’s added potential for damage and corrosion. The key stages of pre-wash, wash, rinse and dry stay the same, but here are our top tips for washing your car in winter. Start with the wheels Wheels take a lot of punishment in the...

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The Top 5 Reasons Couples Argue in Cars

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

How do you feel about car journeys with your partner? Maybe you look forward to time together with no other distractions – or perhaps the mere thought of it sends your stress levels rising. In one European survey, a third of respondents said they found their other half was the most stressful passenger to have in the front seat. (You might be interested that one in five said their mother had that honor – putting them in second place.) So why is the car such a battleground for some couples – and is there anything they can do about it? The reason behind the rows Most of us drive our cars without even thinking about it. It’s an everyday event....

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When Is the Best Time to Buy a New Car?

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

Buying a new car is rarely a spur-of-the-moment decision. You’ll usually have thought about it for a while and mulled over your options. Perhaps your existing vehicle is a little old, or it’s no longer suitable for your growing family, or maybe you simply want a change. It takes time to do your research and narrow down your list of possible makes and models. And when you’re ready to start looking, you might wonder – when is the best time to buy a new car? We all know the showroom price is rarely set in stone. Dealers are usually willing to negotiate, or at least, throw in some optional extras to clinch the sale. However, there are times when you...

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What Not To Do When Your Car Gets Scratched

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

As well as getting us from A to B, our cars are an extension of who we are. So that moment when you spot a scratch on your paintwork triggers a range of emotions – it’s annoying, upsetting and sometimes (if you have no idea how it’s happened) puzzling. You might be angry at yourself for a careless maneuver or concerned the damage will affect the value of your vehicle if you’re planning on selling it. However they happened, there are a few things you shouldn’t do when there are scratches on your car. Ignore them It’s tempting to leave them, especially if they’re not that bad. Once the initial irritation has faded, you might think they’re not that noticeable...

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How to Check and Top Up Your Car’s Engine Oil

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

Knowing how to check and top up engine oil is an essential car maintenance task for every motorist. It’s also simple to do – you can take care of it yourself at home in a matter of minutes. If you’ve recently bought a second-hand car privately, you might not know when the oil was last changed. In that case, we’d suggest you err on the side of caution and ask your regular garage to do an oil and filter change. This is also something that should be carried out as part of your vehicle’s annual service. Otherwise, it’s a good idea to check your oil every few weeks – set a reminder on your phone or write it on your...

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April is Car Care Month – Show Yours Some Love

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

While we all know we should look after our cars, it’s easy to let things slide. If we’re busy, tired and focused on other priorities, then as long as it starts ok we don’t worry too much. That’s why Car Care Month is important – it’s a good reminder to look after our vehicles. Car Care Month takes place every April. It was introduced by the US Car Care Council as a way of encouraging motorists to take better care of their cars but has since spread further afield. The organisation’s executive director, Rich White, says that keeping on top of routine maintenance not only ensures your car is reliable and safe to drive, it also helps avoid more costly...

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9 Essential Winter Maintenance Tips for Motorists

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

Let’s face it, while there’s never a good time for our cars to break down or need repairs, it always seems worse when it happens in winter. Cold, wet weather makes being stuck by the roadside or having to rely on public transport that much worse. To minimize the chances of it happening, there are a few simple tasks you can do. As well as preventing some problems before they happen, they’ll help you spot other potential issues so you can get them resolved quickly. Keep an eye on your windscreen Inspect your windscreen, other windows and lights regularly to make sure there are no cracks. If you spot any, get the glass fixed or replaced as soon as possible....

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5 New Year Resolutions Every Car Owner Should Make

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

A new year means a fresh start – most of us see it as a chance to shake things up in our lives. The promises we make to ourselves each January range from big to small, whether it’s wanting to get fit and lose a few kilos to pursuing a whole new career. Whatever your goals are, we wish you success – but spare a thought for your four-wheeled friend, too. It’s easy to take your car for granted when you use it every day, whether it’s on the school run, getting to work or going to the gym. To make sure it keeps you safely on the road, though, it needs some attention. With that in mind, while you’re...

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9 Ways to Get Your Car Ready for Winter

Posted by Rebecca Parsley on

Most of us are already preparing for harsher weather as we move into the colder months of the year. Winter brings its own challenges for motorists, both on and off the road. Lower temperatures and wet conditions can take their toll, with electrical faults and mechanical issues rearing their heads. You can’t prevent every problem, of course, but you can take steps to reduce some of the risks. It’s a good idea to look after your vehicle anyway, but the last thing you want is a lengthy wait by the roadside until your breakdown service arrives – or the repair bill that comes afterwards. You could take your car to a garage for a pre-winter check and service, but if...

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5 Helpful Tips for Teaching Your Child to Drive

Posted by Rebecca Parsley on

There’s a lot of excitement when your son or daughter becomes old enough to drive. Often, lessons are booked for their birthday and the focus is on taking – and passing – the driving test as quickly as possible. This is likely to involve you taking them out in your own car, too, so they can practice what they learn. This can lead to some nervous moments – for both of you. After all, they’ll be as worried as you are about having an accident, or even scratching a wheel by scraping it along the curb. We’ve got some advice to help keep things calm and ensure they get the most out of the opportunity. Wait until they’re ready Sometimes,...

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