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new driver

5 Helpful Tips for Teaching Your Child to Drive

Posted by Rebecca Parsley on

There’s a lot of excitement when your son or daughter becomes old enough to drive. Often, lessons are booked for their birthday and the focus is on taking – and passing – the driving test as quickly as possible. This is likely to involve you taking them out in your own car, too, so they can practice what they learn. This can lead to some nervous moments – for both of you. After all, they’ll be as worried as you are about having an accident, or even scratching a wheel by scraping it along the curb. We’ve got some advice to help keep things calm and ensure they get the most out of the opportunity. Wait until they’re ready Sometimes,...

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How to Choose the Right First Car For a New Driver

Posted by Rebecca Parsley on

It’s one of those rites of passage. Once our children are old enough, they take driving lessons. All being well, after a while they pass their test. Then they want a car of their own, plus yours is too big/fast/precious to let them take out alone. Once you agree, there’ll be some discussion around what car is best for a new driver. Their ideas are unlikely to match yours, and there’ll be some debate before a compromise is reached. Once the dust settles, it’s time to start looking seriously. Here are a few tips you might want to bear in mind when looking for your child’s first car. Safety first Your top priority when choosing a car for your young...

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