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7 Top Tips For Washing Your Car in Winter

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

  It’s that time of year again – as summer becomes a distant memory, get ready for wet and stormy conditions, frosty mornings and cooler temperatures. As well as swapping our summer t-shirts for snuggly jumpers, winter means taking care of your car in a different way, too. Freezing conditions, snow and rock salt on the roads bring their own challenges; salt melts into slush and gets splattered onto your vehicle’s paintwork and, if that mixture refreezes, there’s added potential for damage and corrosion. The key stages of pre-wash, wash, rinse and dry stay the same, but here are our top tips for washing your car in winter. Start with the wheels Wheels take a lot of punishment in the...

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What To Do With Your Car Before You Go On Holiday

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

As we roll into high summer, you might be getting excited about going on vacation. What do you plan to do with your car if you’re not taking it with you? If you have dogs, cats or other pets, you’ll have made provision for them with an animal boarding facility or pet sitter. But most of us don’t think about our car sitting in the garage or on the drive while we’re away. If you’re heading off on a holiday, business trip or other journey, especially if it’s for longer than a couple of weeks, then you should make sure your vehicle is taken care of too. It’s likely your main mode of transport in your everyday routine, so you...

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April is Car Care Month – Show Yours Some Love

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

While we all know we should look after our cars, it’s easy to let things slide. If we’re busy, tired and focused on other priorities, then as long as it starts ok we don’t worry too much. That’s why Car Care Month is important – it’s a good reminder to look after our vehicles. Car Care Month takes place every April. It was introduced by the US Car Care Council as a way of encouraging motorists to take better care of their cars but has since spread further afield. The organisation’s executive director, Rich White, says that keeping on top of routine maintenance not only ensures your car is reliable and safe to drive, it also helps avoid more costly...

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5 New Year Resolutions Every Car Owner Should Make

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

A new year means a fresh start – most of us see it as a chance to shake things up in our lives. The promises we make to ourselves each January range from big to small, whether it’s wanting to get fit and lose a few kilos to pursuing a whole new career. Whatever your goals are, we wish you success – but spare a thought for your four-wheeled friend, too. It’s easy to take your car for granted when you use it every day, whether it’s on the school run, getting to work or going to the gym. To make sure it keeps you safely on the road, though, it needs some attention. With that in mind, while you’re...

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5 Helpful Tips for Teaching Your Child to Drive

Posted by Rebecca Parsley on

There’s a lot of excitement when your son or daughter becomes old enough to drive. Often, lessons are booked for their birthday and the focus is on taking – and passing – the driving test as quickly as possible. This is likely to involve you taking them out in your own car, too, so they can practice what they learn. This can lead to some nervous moments – for both of you. After all, they’ll be as worried as you are about having an accident, or even scratching a wheel by scraping it along the curb. We’ve got some advice to help keep things calm and ensure they get the most out of the opportunity. Wait until they’re ready Sometimes,...

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What To Do When Your Car Battery is Flat

Posted by Rebecca Parsley on

It’s one of those frustrating situations we’ve all encountered. Your car has been running with no problems, then one day you get in, turn on the ignition, and nothing happens. Your battery is dead, and you’re not going anywhere. Vehicle recovery organizations say most home call-outs from their customers are due to a flat car battery, so you’re not alone. There are a couple of options you can try to get the engine running before you resort to professional assistance, however. Why is my car battery flat? Car batteries die for various reasons. A common one is because the headlights, interior lights or indicators have been left on without the engine running, although many modern cars now have audible alerts....

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5 Tips for Cleaning the Interior of Your Car

Posted by Rebecca Parsley on

For many of us, cleaning the inside of our car is less of a priority than taking care of the outside. It seems a bigger job somehow, especially if your vehicle is full of clutter. But interiors need some TLC too, to keep them in good repair and looking smart, so it’s an essential task every once in a while. Here’s our guide to giving your car interior a thorough clean – while not making it too hard on yourself. Clear it all out Remove all the ‘stuff’ that has accumulated in your car, from old receipts and empty snack packets to kids’ toys and the extra jacket you threw in the back ‘just in case’ and then left there....

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The 13 Things You Should Do to Get the Most Out of a Test Drive

Posted by Rebecca Parsley on

It’s time to buy a new car. You’ve done some research – looked at reviews, checked out specs, asked friends and family for their views – and you’ve drawn up a shortlist. Now it’s time for a test drive, which is always enjoyable. It’s fun to try out a few different models – and it’s also necessary. You might have a favorite in mind, but if it doesn’t work for you and your lifestyle you’ll need to reconsider. That’s why try-before-you-buy is so important when it comes to car shopping. Most of us keep our cars for several years, so you need more than a few minutes behind the wheel before you make a final decision. Here are a few...

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How to Clean Your Car Like A Pro

Posted by Rebecca Parsley on

How often do you clean your car? For many motorists it’s part of the weekend routine, and quite therapeutic after a busy week at work. For others, it’s another chore they struggle to find time for. Yet it’s important to look after your car’s bodywork. Dirt builds up quickly, even if you only travel short distances. In winter, grit and salt sticks to panels, wheels and tires and can cause them to deteriorate. While a regular professional valet service would be wonderful, it’s not always an option. Garage car washes have their place, but there’s nothing quite as effective as doing it yourself. Grab a bucket and a wash mitt, and follow our tips on how to wash your car...

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How to Choose the Right First Car For a New Driver

Posted by Rebecca Parsley on

It’s one of those rites of passage. Once our children are old enough, they take driving lessons. All being well, after a while they pass their test. Then they want a car of their own, plus yours is too big/fast/precious to let them take out alone. Once you agree, there’ll be some discussion around what car is best for a new driver. Their ideas are unlikely to match yours, and there’ll be some debate before a compromise is reached. Once the dust settles, it’s time to start looking seriously. Here are a few tips you might want to bear in mind when looking for your child’s first car. Safety first Your top priority when choosing a car for your young...

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