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Why Waxing Your Car in Spring is a Good Idea

Posted by Marc Michelsen on

As signs of spring begin to appear, it’s time to wash away the last of the rock salt and prepare your car for brighter days. The winter weather can take its toll on your vehicle’s condition and appearance, so it’s time to dispense some TLC.

As well as giving it a thorough clean inside and out, waxing your car in spring is a wise move. There are still seasonal factors to consider that can adversely affect your vehicle, and waxing will help combat them.

Why wax your car?

A coat of wax adds a protective layer, shielding your paintwork against extreme weather conditions. While many of us look forward to warmer temperatures, it still rains a lot in the spring. This can build up on your car’s exterior and, when it evaporates, any dirt left behind can eventually damage the finish. A coat of wax will cause the water to roll away, taking contaminants with it.

Similarly, just as you’d slap on the sunscreen if you were going to the beach, waxing will help protect your car from the sun’s UV rays – damage can include discoloration, fading and oxidation.

We’re not saying you should only wax your car in spring – ideally, you’ll do it every few months and certainly as part of your winter preparations. But once the harshest weather is behind us, it’s the ideal opportunity to spot and rectify any chips, marks or damage and ensure your car is protected for summer.

Protection from airborne contaminants

Generally, in most areas, air quality improves in the spring. That said, there are still a few potentially damaging factors to consider. Pollen levels are rising, there are more bugs around, and there’s more chance of finding bird droppings on your pride and joy.

All these can prove corrosive over time, but by applying a layer of wax you’re putting up a barrier. Contaminants will settle in the wax, rather than directly on your paintwork – easier to deal with and helping you avoid an expensive paint job further down the line.

Prevent irritating paint chips

It’s inevitable, while driving, that small stones and the like will be thrown up in the air and strike your car. Waxing won’t prevent this happening entirely, but it will ensure the surface of your vehicle is smoother. In turn, this means less friction when debris hits – making it more likely to slide off without damaging the paint. As well as spoiling your car’s appearance, paint chips can be expensive to fix and lead to further damage if they’re ignored.

Hide that scratch

Wax won’t remove scratches from your paintwork, but it can fill them in. Shallow scratches are much less noticeable beneath a coat of wax and will be all but invisible in some cases. As it means none of your car’s clear coat will need to be removed, it’s often a preferable alternative to having the scratches professionally repaired in a body shop.

Of course, scratches on your wheels are another matter – but we’ve got the ideal solution right here.

Easier cleaning and a glossy finish

One great reason for waxing your car is that it makes cleaning it so much easier. If you’ve ever tried to remove tree sap, pollen, dead bugs and the like directly from the paint, you’ll know what a chore it can be. They’ll come off more easily when you wash your car if it’s been waxed.

And, of course, waxing gives your car a glossy, fresh-out-of-the-showroom shine – who doesn’t love that?

Pick your time

When planning to wax your car, make sure you choose the right time. Don’t pick a day when there’s full sunshine – temperatures can run nearly as high as summer and the wax won’t stay on for long. Late afternoon or early evening is best and apply it in the shade if you can. Let the wax dry properly overnight, and you’ll be good to go the next day.